Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Scientific directions of the Department

Staff of the department prepares highly qualified specialists in such scientific directions:

  • Development of theory and methods for design of vibration equipment, advanced processing technology and mechanical activation of industrial raw materials, cryogenic technology of waste processing elastomeric materials (supervisors: prof., Dr. of Technical Sciences Franchuk V.P., prof., Dr. of Technical Sciences Nadutiy V.P.).
  • Improvement of environmentally benign methods and technologies for underwater mining of solid minerals from the bottom of rivers, seas and oceans (supervisors: prof., Dr. of Technical Sciences Franchuk V.P., Dr. of Technical Sciences Bondarenko A.A.).
  • Parameter optimization of mechanical equipment based on modern methods of computer modeling and computer simulation (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Zabolotny K.S.).
  • Development of settlement and information software complexes for companies of Ukraine (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Zabolotny K.S.).



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