Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

News of the department of mining machinery and engineering 

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Dear students, applicants, alumni, teachers!
The new group in social network Vkontakte of our department is organized!
Please, join us to http://vk.com/kafedragmi

The order of Rector of the university about Head of the Department of mining machinery and engineering.

Professor Kostyantyn Zabolotnyy has been appointed to the post Head of the Department of mining machinery and engineering since 21 of January 2014 by order of Rector of the university.

Congratulations on the jubilee K. Bass - our graduate

jubilee K. Bass Our graduate, Head of the Department of Automobiles and Automobile Economy K. Bass, was forty five!
The Department of mining machinery and engineering congratulates dear Kostyantyn on jubilee and high award of the University.

Protection of graduation works of distance learning students

Protection of graduation works On 22th January the graduation theses were successfully protected by the following students: Evgeniy Gusak, subject "Development of mainline conveyor belt for supply mill MMS"; Roman Sadohin, subject "Modernization of vibrating horizontal mill for grinding complex concentrate with detailed development of the working body".
The projects were conducted by Professor Vladimir Nadutiy. We congratulate our new colleagues with the assignment of qualification of mining engineer and mechanic.

Conference “Poturaev reading”

On 20th January the 12th Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Poturaev reading” in commemoration of Valentin Poturaev took place at The Department of mining machinery and engineering.

Visit of Minister of Energy to NMU

Visit of Minister of Energy to NMUOn 17th January Minister of energy and coal industry of Ukraine Eduard Stavitskiy visited National mining university.

Meeting of the Scientific Circle Mechanic

The Scientific Circle "Mechanic" for children and students is organized at the department of mining machinery and engineering. This is the place where children together learn SolidWorks and develop their projects.
Student Angelica Tomashevskaya is making report "Use SolidWorks technology in solving stereometric problems".

Project of Department of Mining machinery and engineering for children

At the department of mining machinery and engineering of the National Mining University in the framework of Small Academy of Science a Scientific Circle "Mechanic", is organized where children learn the basics of computer modeling in SolidWorks, carry out individual projects.
The supervisor of the circle is professor Zabolotnyi K.S., the teachers are associate professors Panchenko O.V., Zhupiev O.L., graduate students Sirchenko A.A., SHepel T.V. and student of GM-11-1 group Andrew Tipikin.

The project «CONCURSUS – 2013» is successfully finished!

1060 participants were registered on www.solidworks.dp.ua
Submitted for the contest:
  • 3D modelling, animation, visualization, art-design – 11 projects
  • 3D modelling, animation, industrial design – 16 projects.

Experimental-industrial tests of sands gravity washing plant MPG-1600

Sands gravity washing plant MPG-1600 on the quarry of the East-bug-2 sand deposit
Sands gravity washing plant MPG-1600 on the quarry of the East-bug-2 sand deposit 

The technology of SolidWorks are being actively applied during the preparation of highly qualified scientists at the department of mining machinery and engineering!

Защита Рутковский М.On 27th November Maxim Rutkovskiy, the graduate student of the department of mining machinery and engineering , successfully defended dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences “Definition cable loads of drum shaft hoist” by specialty 05.05.06 - mining machines (scientific adviser - Doctor of Science professor K.Zabolotnyy) at the specialized scientific council D 08.080.06 of mechanical and machine-building area. 

The solemn handing of new SolidWorks  licenses took place. 

th On 8th October pupils of 8-11 forms and their teachers gathered in the classroom of the Dnipropetrovsk regional  lyceum boarding school of physics and mathematics. Professor of the National Mining University K. Zabolotnyy  spoke to audience and told about  the international educational project “The SolidWorks technology in education”,  advantages of virtual  technology  in realization of sciences like physics and mathematics, showed, that  these technologies make studying more interesting and better understandable,  encourage engineering creative work. On behalf of  Dassault Systèmes Solidworks Corp. the professor presented to the lyceum new software « Solidworks Education Editon Networks - Class -Pack» Academic year 2013-2014.


Due to personal invitation of Dassault Systèmes  Corp. professor K. Zabolotnyy   and docent  O.Panchenko  were sent by the National Mining University on business trip to Moscow to take part in the conference  3DEXPERIENCE CUSTOMER FORUM 2013 on 23th October.

Dassault Systèmes Corporation is a developer of 3DEXPERIENCE technology, the world leader in solutions for the 3D-design, 3D digital layout and product lifecycle management (PLM).

Career guidance video report  of the department of mining machinery and engineering 

On 16th November The Scientific Conference of Teachers of Mathematics ”Integration aspects of teaching mathematics as a source of systemic thinking of students through a combination of productive and Information Technology "  took place in the school № 5  of 1-3 levels in Pavlograd.

Professor K. Zabolotnyy, docent  O.Panchenko and student of first year A.Tomashevcka  were invited to take part in the conference.

31.10.2013 - 76 years of founding Chair

Initiation into first year students

On 2d of September the solemn initiation into first year students took place at the National Mining University.

Rector of the university, member of National Academy of Science, Genadiy Pivnyak greeted the first year students. The Rector noted, that the university would help everyone to discover talents by use of the powerful scientific school, practicing in enterprises, training abroad, learning foreign languages ​​in the language centers, sports training, military faculty. 
01.09.2013 - 61 years from the opening of the specialty "Mining machines"

Mining university awards the best graduates 
On behalf of the management of the University and department Professor K. Zabolotnyy and Associated professor O.Panchenko presented the letters of commendation and certificates to graduates of 2013: Yevgeniya Davidenko, Ilona Rubachva, Igor Pyatnica, Yevgeniy Crulov, Yekaterina Homenko, Ivan Gricay, Valerij Raksha, Yevgeniy Ziborov, Sergej Starikov, Maksim Parhomenko, Nikolai Skvorcov. 

The composition of projects in SolidWorks
The composition of students projects and postgraduates of the of the department of mining machinery and engineering. 

The visit of the Vice-chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk regional administration to the National Mining University. 
Within the entrance company the National Mining University was visited by Vice-chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk regional administration Anotoliy Krupskij, who got known with the achievements of the department in the educational process.

The defense of a Master's degrees           

The department of mining machinery and engineering teachers specialists in the field of the training "Mechanical engineering".
The teaching process is based on the original conception of training engineers with applying the virtual technologies in SolidWorks. The qualified educators, the masters in their field of knowledge, lecture students engineering of complicated mechanical equipment, teach to research, design machines by means of unique computer technologies SolidWorks. The department has a status of authorized provider of CSWA. The participation in the activity of the Center gives students possibility to accept the prestigious international certificates, that approve their engineering qualification in computer technologies SolidWorks. 

The expedition on the scientific research vessel "Professor Vodyanitsky" 
During two weeks the postgraduates of the National Mining University Oleksandr Shevchnko and Taras Shepel were going on the expedition on the research vessel "Professor Vodyanitsky" and explored the undersea features of the Black Sea, as well as underwater extraction and preliminary processing of mineral resources. Despite of rolling motion the fellows quickly got used working on the ship. They acquired new impressions, as well as invaluable experience, that would be useful in the postgraduate studies. 

29.04.2013 - Information to the committee about the work of the Section "Mining Machines"



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